Early in June I placed two bets. On June 23rd, I lost the first one, as did David. I will have to wait until November 8th to know if my second bet is luckier. I lost my bet and David Cameron, Britain’s Prime Minister (PM) his reckless political gamble. Brexit, or the exit from the European Union (EU) was chosen by 52% of 33.6 million voters[1]. I had bet that the British people, in their wisdom would decide to stay within the EU family. My optimism was influenced by that of my many British friends, whose opinion was squarely in the “remain” camp.
For me, Brexit was much more than a shock, it was an emotional letdown, a betrayal. In the darkest hours of the 20th century, Britain had twice courageously stood by France, but in 2016, for trivial and inward-looking reasons, it decided to cut these old links. So to speak, the referendum was a dog’s breakfast, a mess to vent a zillion grievances, legitimate or not, but mostly unrelated to the EU. The “leave” camp used the referendum to protest against a political system it regards as culturally or socially destabilizing and that no longer represents its interests. Anger was the rallying cry of people who felt abandoned, left by the wayside.
Brexit was a boon to editorialists and politicians on both sides of the Channel and the Atlantic Ocean. They have scrutinized and cherry picked Brexit to prove the relevance of their respective opinions. Among pundits, conservative, nationalists, nativist and protectionists had a field day. Brexit was the triumph of their prediction, evidence that their goals could be achieved somewhere else. For Marine le Pen, the president of the Eurosceptic far right National Front party, Brexit was the first crack in the EU monster’s shield. Smelling the opportunity to pounce, she pledged to squash the face-less monster to free France from the evil of globalization, immigration, loss of sovereignty and liberal social policies.
Brexit carries a double paradox: It was a rebellion against the British elite, however led by prominent members of the same elite, the so called Notting Hill set. I guess that old school Robert Crawley, Lord Grantham of British series Downton Abbey, would have been a keen Brexiteer! Brexit was also the rejection of liberal economic policies, notably free trade and the freedom of movement for EU workers. Coincidentally these policies had been spearheaded by the British government and reluctantly adopted by other EU members. In the end, Britons were angry at the way their own government was taking care of them.
The EU is a convenient scapegoat for EU member governments who routinely blame the union for their own failures; not surprisingly, people get brainwashed. They casually enjoy EU benefits while rejecting its constraints. Think of the hordes of British on holiday in southern Spain! They may have to change the venue of their next cheap vacations. Apart from being ill-conceived, the referendum was hypocritical and cynical. Referenda are best left to the Swiss who have mastered the process. From now on, the British government will have to take full responsibility for its shortcomings and mistakes.
Courtesy of ChappatteI
In my view France, as well as the majority of EU countries, greatly benefitted from being part of the EU. A member has to adhere to club rules for its own good and that of the community; as a member, France had to repeatedly discipline its finances which tend to be mismanaged by the profligate practices of party politics. Parties resent this scrutiny; they portray it as a loss of sovereignty. In addition, the stragglers blamed the good performers for their failings. Am I being sarcastic?
The EU bureaucrats may be carried away by their frenzy for rules and regulations. In our competitive world, systems have to be harmonized to achieve both critical mass and economy of scale. Sometimes the EU steps on cherished cultural traditions angering citizens. It is a trial and error process to move forward. Reassuring inward-looking policies may preserve the traditional way of life but they are hardy adequate to meet the challenges of our fast-moving global world.
Readers must wonder why I take Brexit so much to heart and why I pass such a harsh judgment on Brexit peddlers. I am a born believer in internationalism, with a first passport at age 14 and an overseas job at 26. I may qualify as an utopist for having worked 25 years in the much maligned United Nations. Being incremental in nature, UN’s achievements are rarely publicized, and successes rarely make headlines. Founded in 1945, the UN has been relentlessly criticized for irrelevance, waste, mismanagement and inefficiency (among other things) by its member states[2]. Had the UN been subjected to reckless national referenda, the organization would no longer exist! Cynically, the UN’s raison d’étre is probably its scapegoat and punching ball usefulness. If the UN did not exist, member states would have created it in order to have a bully pulpit; a talk fest; a forum where they can grandstand, bicker and vent their anger and frustration; and last but not least, a place to safely park their redundant or cast-off politicians. The UN is frequently blamed for being an instrument of the foreign policy of powerful members. This is true, and often UN troops are called to clean up the mess left by these same powers. The EU faces similar criticisms. The UN Secretariat was used as a blue print for the EU Commission.
Europe will see more bickering and hardships, but hopefully the Union will make its case to the citizens. I don’t see much alternative to a strong and united continent. To move forwards, its restless member states must come to consensus politics.
Home Secretary Theresa May has been appointed British PM with the task to clean the Brexit mess. The Guardian newspaper noted that “there is an increasingly widespread sense that strong female leaders are needed to clean the mess created by men”.
Hopefully on November 8, I will win my second bet, Hillary be elected president of the United States. The alternative to her election is too frightening to consider.
[1] The turnout was 71.8%, high by UK elections standards. Brexit was therefore backed by 36 % of the voting age population.
[2] 193 in 2016.
Loved the blog on Brexit--and also your defense of the United Nations! As you say, flawed but essential.
Great blog and cartoons! I love Trump's cartoon.
ReplyDeleteHillary is in a bit of a mess herself!
Fully agree with you! I am not a British expat.
ReplyDeleteI am a Brit, don't know much about the UN but share your views on Brexit.
A really well-written article. You have a great turn of phrase in English and write better than most native English speakers, I think! it was interesting to read what you thought about the UN and in general about our global world.
ReplyDeleteThese are uncertain times and I like the quote form the Guardian about women cleaning up the mess made by men! Boris is more likely to cause an international incident with his buffoonery, but some people feel there was little choice.
I really enjoyed your blog today. It captured my feelings about Brexit.
ReplyDeleteI just loved the cartoons, especially the Titanic.
Great job on the blog. I feel very much the same way. I so liked what you said about Brits twice coming to the aid of France, that irony was ever present for me on the Sommes anniversary weekend. And, anger, yes. I am less directly affected, but believe that we all depend on British leadership and were all badly let down. I don’t know about the new PM (woman or no), if Bois Johnson as FM is anything to go by. What a fright that man is.
ReplyDeleteI found your comparison of the EU with the UN interesting and appropriate - there are many things that need to be fixed in both. I don t know whether the UK referendum was ill-conceived just because we did not get the result we wanted. A referendum in my home country, Austria, would probably have had the same result as in the UK. The EU is a brilliant project but in many areas ill-conceived and cannot function as it should (the latest example is the EU s inability to distribute the enormous number of refugees).
The comparison with the UN is quite appropriate. Both the UN and the EU are paved with good intentions, yet have a hard time delivering on their promises. But what would we do without them? Fight on a real battlefield, rather than in the secluded meeting rooms of these organisations? Peace, negotiation, diplomacy are always more complex and frustrating than brutal confrontation and war. Ask Donald Trump who wants to "make America great again". He favours the simple path: kick out, fight, squash, eliminate, build walls... these are some of his favorite solutions. Is that what we should be calling for?
ReplyDeleteThe price to pay for a more peaceful, fairer world is a lot of long and tedious talks on boring topics which don't seem to amount to anything significant. Yet the process is essential and its benefits can be seen in the relative equilibrium the western world has achieved over the past 70 years. Let's try not to forget this. Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.
And for the sake of the free world your second bet must be a winner:)
ReplyDeleteAnother enlightening blog Beatrice and please to see you wave the UN flag - although an opportunity to provide examples of some of your successes would have been more than appropriate.
The Brexit has also exposed some not so common knowledge of the geography of the UK and Great Britain - amazing which islands are not part of both - and the likelyhood of Scotland and Wales joining the EU as their own separate entities.
Fortunately Australia appears to be on a safe passage for the next three years - and hopefully golden success in Rio :)
Brexit:- you have to understand we are drowning in comment about this at least 3 times a day and are tiring of it all. There have been simply dreadful ‘hate’ crimes due to xenophopia setting in, and our government is stagnating on the issues of Brexit alone; nothing else is being attended to (e.g. care of older people, railway strikes, loss of pensions).
ReplyDeleteThe main issue is that David Cameron should never have called a referendum when he was not 100% certain of the response, and the question asked was too binary. I agree with your description of the ‘Leave’ camp – looking at the map of the country and where the votes fell to Leave, its mainly the North of England and Cornwall, places that the Westminster-centric government has ignored for years and years. No investment in infrastructure, jobs, etc. People in the Leave camp were saying they wanted things ‘to go back to how it was before’ i.e. regress by over 50 years. Why? Immigrants were still persecuted, there was high unemployment, what did they think would be better?? If you look at the family history of most Brits, they are all made up of immigrants of one sort or another; they are not pure Anglo Saxons!
I’ve no idea why the farmers were all ‘Leave’ as they are all now moaning that they don’t know what they’ll do when they lose the EU subsidy from the CAP. I suspect that’s why Teresa gave that ministerial portfolio to Andrea Leadsom; she wanted to’ Leave’ so now make it work! However, I detect the beginnings of change in the EU with Merkel and Junker saying proceed slowly so no one is damaged by Brexit. They are obviously terrified we’ve started something which might snowball. We may then be thanked by Europe!!
The ‘Times’ this weekend is speculating on new political parties emerging in the UK. Labour is in such a mess it will disappear up its own backside. They have lost all credibility as an opposition. Teresa may call a snap election which will refocus the minds of the country on the here and now.
So lets jaw-jaw, and not make war-war (Churchill).